we make noise



equal justice initiative

Over the span of eight months, we worked closely with the Equal Justice Initiative and Google to bring to life an immense and interactive website, detailing the long history of racial terror in America, and the legacy it has left behind. Through documentaries and podcasts that focus on the descendants of lynching victims, the site highlights a narrative that began some hundred years ago, and is still prevalent in modern America.

Visit the site: lynchinginamerica.eji.org

Client: Equal Justice Initiative
Directors: Nico Carbonaro, Allison Davis
Production: Ghost Robot
Music & Sound: Space Lute

Awards & Recognition:

Winner of the 2018 People’s Choice Webby for Good
Webby Nominee Best Documentary - Podcast
Winner of Cannes Lion for Best Design

The work was displayed at the Brooklyn Museum in The Legacy of Lynching exhibit, and lives permanently at the Legacy Museum in Montgomery Alabama.